Smart Sprinklers B-hyve vs Melnor

September 30, 2021

Smart Sprinklers B-hyve vs Melnor

Summer is here, and with that comes the need to water your lawn and garden. But who has the time or energy to manually water their plants every day? That's where smart sprinklers come in! In this post, we'll compare two popular smart sprinkler brands - B-hyve and Melnor - to see which one is right for you.


Both B-hyve and Melnor offer many smart features. With these sprinklers, you can control and adjust your watering schedules using a mobile app. You can also monitor your water usage and receive notifications about weather changes that may affect your plants.

However, B-hyve edges out Melnor in terms of features. B-hyve's app has a more user-friendly interface and better integrations with other smart home devices. For example, you can connect your B-hyve sprinkler to Alexa, Google Assistant, and IFTTT. In contrast, Melnor only integrates with Amazon Alexa.

Irrigation Control

When it comes to irrigation control, both sprinklers offer a high degree of customization. B-hyve provides watering schedules based on factors like soil type, plant type, and sun exposure. The system also adjusts water usage based on real-time weather data.

On the other hand, Melnor offers a more straightforward setup, with customizable schedules based on time intervals. While this may not be as advanced as B-hyve's system, it's still a vast improvement from a manual sprinkler.

Watering Precision

B-hyve takes the prize when it comes to watering precision. The system uses a network of weather data, soil moisture sensors, and historical data to optimize watering. This means you'll only water your plants when they need it, avoiding overwatering and saving water in the process.

While Melnor also has moisture sensors, they aren't as effective as B-hyve's sensors. The system often struggles to detect changes in soil moisture levels, leading to overwatering or underwatering.


B-hyve and Melnor have similar pricing ranges, with the basic models starting at around $80. However, B-hyve's advanced features, better integrations, and more precise watering system push its prices higher. The top-of-the-line B-hyve model costs around $150, while Melnor's top model is around $120.


Both B-hyve and Melnor offer convenient smart irrigation solutions that can help keep your plants healthy and your water usage low. However, B-hyve stands out for its advanced features, user-friendly interface, and superior watering precision.

If you're in the market for a smart sprinkler system, we recommend the B-hyve over Melnor.


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